Recent Publications

in press

Pummerer, L., Ditrich, L., Winter, K., & Sassenberg, K. (in press). Belief in a plausible climate policy conspiracy theory and support for non-normative collective action. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.

Pummerer, L., Fock, L., Winter, K., & Sassenberg, K. (in press). Conspiracy beliefs and majority influence. The Journal of Social Psychology.


Brick, C., Nielsen, K. S., Berger, S., Henn, L., Wolske, K. S., Lange, F., Hanß, D., Bauer, J. M., Aldoh, A., Sachisthal, M. S., Johnsen, S. Å. K., Cologna, V. (2024). Current research practices on pro-environmental behavior: A survey of environmental psychologists. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 102375.

Gerdes, R. & Kaiser, F. G. (2024). Die Kluft zwischen Dringlichkeit und Umsetzbarkeit der Klimapolitik - am Beispiel des CO2-Preises [The gap between urgency and practicability in climate policy - the CO2-price example]. In-Mind, Heft 1, Beitrag 4.

Landmann, H. Winter, K., Froehlich, L., Klocke, U., Hechler, S., Niesta Kayser, D., Knab, N., Hess, F. M., Bender, R., & Hellmann, J. H. (2024). Transfer between science and practice: Findings from the network of social psychology on forced migration and integration. Z’Flucht/German Journal of Forced Migration and Refugee Studies, 8(1), 187-200.

Matthies, E., Reese, G., Mata, J., Fritsche, I., Hofmann, W., Geiger, S. M., Cohrs, C., Loy, L., & Henn, L. (2024). Wie kann die Psychologie zur Bewältigung der Klimakrise beitragen? Psychologische Rundschau, 75(2), 177-182.

Nielsen, K.S., Cologna, V., Bauer, J.M., Berger, S., Brick, C., Dietz, T., Hahnel, U.J.J., Henn, L., Lange, F., Stern, P.C., & Wolske, K.S. (2024). Realizing the full potential of behavioural science for climate change mitigation, Nature Climate Change. (read here:

Sassenberg, K. & Winter, K. (2024). Intraindividual conflicts reduce the polarization of attitudes. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 33(3), 190-197.

Scholl, A.* & Winter, K.* (2024). Responsibility as the door opener towards trust: How powerholders construe and express their power impacts others‘ willingness to trust them. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 54(9), 536-551. *shared first-authorship

Weber, M.-C., Ströbele, L., Song, S., Offner, L., Huang, A., & Degner, J. (2024). The relation between contact experiences and dual identity among German residents with a Turkish or Kurdish identity. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 34(3), e2795.

Winter, K., Hornsey, M. J., Pummerer, L., & Sassenberg, K. (2024). Public agreement with misinformation about wind farms. Nature Communications, 15, 8888.



Gerdes, R., Bauske, E. & Kaiser, F. G. (2023). A general explanation for environmental policy support: An example using carbon taxation approval in Germany. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 90, 102066.

Gerdes, R., Kaiser, F. G. & König, F. (2023). Supporting and expressing support for environmental policies. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 87, 101997.

Henn, L., & Winter, K. (2023). Shifting focus: Fostering commitment to the goal of sustainable development. Umweltpsychologie/Open Journal of Environmental Psychology, 27 (2), 256-259.

Lange, F., Berger, S., Byrka, K., Brügger, A., Henn, L., Sparks, A. C., ... & Urban, J. (2023). Beyond self-reports: A call for more behavior in environmental psychology. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 101965.

Pummerer, L., Ditrich, L., Winter, K., & Sassenberg, K. (2023). Think about it! Deliberation reduces the negative relation between conspiracy belief and adherence to prosocial norms. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 14(8), 952-963.

Sassenberg, K., Pummerer, L., & Winter, K. (2023). Prävention und Intervention gegen den Glauben an Verschwörungstheorien [Prevention and intervention against the belief in conspiracy theories]. In R. Imhoff (Ed.): „Von dunklen Mächten sonderbar belogen…“ – Die Psychologie der Verschwörungstheorien. Hogrefe.

Winter, K., Pummerer, L., & Sassenberg, K. (2023). Change by (almost) all means: The role of conspiracy mentality in predicting support for social change among the political left and right. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53(7), 1563-1575.

Winter, K., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2023). Flexible minds make more moderate views: Subtractive counterfactuals mitigate strong views about immigrants’ trustworthiness. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 26(6), 1310-1328.

Winter, K. & Epstude, K. (2023). Motivational consequences of counterfactual mindsets: Does counterfactual structure influence the use of conservative or risky tactics? Motivation and Emotion, 47, 100-114.


Pummerer, L., Winter, K., & Sassenberg, K. (2022). Addressing Covid-19 vaccination conspiracy theories and vaccination intentions. European Journal of Health Communication, 3(2), 1-12.

Pummerer, L., Böhm, R., Lilleholt, L., Winter, K., Zettler, I., & Sassenberg, K. (2022). Societal effects of Covid-19 conspiracy theories. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13, 49-59.

Sassenberg, K.*, Winter, K.*, Becker, D., Ditrich, L., Scholl, A., & Moskowitz, G. B. (2022). Flexibility mindsets: Reducing biases that result from spontaneous processing. European Review of Social Psychology, 33(1), 171-213. *shared first-authorship

Winter, K., Hornsey, M. J., Pummerer, L., & Sassenberg, K. (2022). Anticipating and defusing the role of conspiracy beliefs in shaping opposition to wind farms. Nature Energy, 7, 1200-1207.

Winter, K., Pummerer, L., Hornsey, M. J., & Sassenberg, K. (2022). Pro-vaccination subjective norms moderate the relationship between conspiracy mentality and vaccination intentions. British Journal of Health Psychology, 27, 390-405.

Winter, K. & Sassenberg, K. (2022). Soziale Kategorisierung, Stereotype, Vorurteile [Social categorization, stereotypes, prejudice]. In J. C. Cohrs, N. Knab & G. Sommer (Eds.): Handbuch der Friedenspsychologie. Philipps-Universität Marburg.


Knab, N.*, Winter, K.*, & Steffens, M. C. (2021). Flexing the extremes: Increasing cognitive flexibility with a paradoxical leading questions intervention. Social Cognition, 39(2), 225-242. *shared first-authorship

Otto, S., Beer, K., Henn, L., & Overbeck, A. (2021). Das Individuum in der nachhaltigen Wirtschaft: Konsum in digitalen, algorithmenbasierten Entscheidungsarchitekturen. In A. Matheis & C. Schwender (Hrsg.), Als gäbe es ein Morgen. Nachhaltigkeit wollen, sollen, können (S. 409-426). Metropolis.

Otto, S., Hildebrandt, J., Will, M., Henn, L., & Beer, K. (2021). Tying up loose ends. Integrating consumers’ psychology into a broad interdisciplinary perspective on a circular sustainable bioeconomy. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 34, 1–24.

Reuter, M., Kühnhausen, J., Kleinhansl, M., Henn, L., & Gawrilow, C. (2021). Children's daily time in natural spaces during spring/summer time: Within-person restoration and the role of environmental attitude. Umweltpsychologie.

Taube, O., Ranney, M. A., Henn, L., & Kaiser, F. G. (2021). Increasing people’s acceptance of anthropogenic climate change with scientific facts: Is mechanistic information more effective for environmentalists? Journal of Environmental Psychology, 73, 101549.

Winter, K. & Sassenberg, K. (2021). Mitigating the default? The influence of ingroup diversity on outgroup trust. International Review of Social Psychology, 34(1), 19.

Winter, K., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2021). A matter of flexibility: Changing outgroup attitudes through messages with negations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(4), 956-976.

Winter, K., Zapf, B., Hütter, M., Tichy, N., & Sassenberg, K. (2021). Selective exposure in action: Do visitors of product evaluation portals select reviews in a biased manner? Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 15(1), Article 4.


Henn, L., Otto, S., & Kaiser, F. G. (2020). Positive spillover: The result of attitude change. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 69, 101429.

Kaiser, F. G., Henn, L., & Marschke, B. (2020). Financial rewards for long-term environmental protection. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 68, 101411.

Warning, B. & Henn, L. (2020). Machen ist wie Wollen, nur krasser: Meinungs- und verhaltensbasierte Messung der Umwelteinstellung im Rahmen des Campbell-Paradigmas. Kurzbericht. Umweltpsychologie, 24(1). 173-182.

Henn, L. (2020). Handeln im Kontext mit ökologischen Folgen: Das Campbell-Paradigma als Beitrag zur Umweltpsychologie und zur Umweltschutzpsychologie [Dissertationsschrift, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg].


Henn, L. & Kaiser, F. G. (2019). Sustainable societies: Committed people in supportive conditions. In: J. V. Hoff, Q. Gausset, & S. W. Lex (Hrsg.), The role of non-state actors in the green transition: Building a sustainable future (S. 17-33). Routledge.

Henn, L., Taube, O., & Kaiser, F. G. (2019). The role of environmental attitude in the efficacy of smart-meter-based feedback interventions. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 63, 74-81.  

Kaplan Mintz, K., Henn, L., Park, J., & Kurman, J. (2019). What predicts household waste management behaviors? Culture and type of behavior as moderators. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 145, 11-18.

Landkammer, F., Winter, K., Thiel, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2019). Team sports off the field: Competing excludes cooperating for individual but not for team athletes. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:2470.

Verfuerth*, C., Henn*, L., & Becker, S. (2019). Is it up to them? Individual leverages for sufficiency. GAIA –  Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 28, 374-380. (*shared first authorship)

Yakovenko, V., Henn, L., Bettendorf, M., Zelinska, N., Soloviova, G., Hoffmann, G. F., & Grulich-Henn, J. (2019). Risk factors for childhood overweight and obesity in Ukraine and Germany. Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology, 11(3), 247-252.


Ogunbode, C. A., Henn, L., & Tausch, N. (2018). Context-appropriate environmental attitude measurement in Nigeria using the Campbell paradigm. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 

Otto, S., Kibbe, A., Henn, L., Hentschke, L., & Kaiser, F. G. (2018). The economy of e-waste collection at the individual level: A practice oriented approach of categorizing determinants of e-waste collection into behavioral costs and motivation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 204, 33-40.